Dealing with the Dutch - Lunch session
A lunch session. In this session we will mix cultural differences with ways to be more assertive in the Dutch culture. Making yourself heard in a Dutch environment. How do you gain attention and still stay true to your own cultural habits? You’ll succeed without the need to shout or making a scene.
The session is meant to inspire and spark discussion. You’ll be so inspired that you’ll find yourself talking (discussing) with your mouth full, promised!

We will touch upon the topics below
Lunch schedule
statements & cases
With statements and cases we’ll work our way through the 8 axes of culture. Why is the Dutch culture seen as a pastor culture? And how can you adapt, without losing yourself?

How to say 'no'
Have the Dutch understand and respect your 'no'.

Say what you want to say
How to have Dutch people value your opinion.

Enough is enough
Express your boundaries: to colleagues and your manager.
Requirements for lunch session 'Dealing with the Dutch'
- You are a team of human beings that has been working internationally for over a month.
- You know you like international environments. And you like the Dutch, but sometimes… you just don’t understand how their culture works.
- You feel lost or you want to stick the other person behind the wallpaper–that expression probably doesn’t translate.

Dealing with the Dutch - is that possible, Ann?
I still hope so 😉
My style is interactive. We discuss cases or play them out. Dare and do.
I am a fast thinker and I do a lot of sports. Thus, ’think and do’ is a perfect motto for me, that I always try to apply.
The video on the left is an impression of me as a trainer. It’s in Dutch, but English subtitles are available.