Assertiveness Training

Do you want people to listen to you? Do you want to be able to speak up, to stop fading–frustratingly–into the background?

Improve your communication. We’ll practice and discuss cultural differences and there is no need to change yourself. Fortunately 😉

You’ll learn strategies to improve your assertiveness, while respecting both your own culture and the Dutch. It’s all about understanding the cultural differences and improving your communication skills.

Anneke geeft trainingen assertiviteit, schrijven en presenteren
Feel confident

Lose your feeling of guilt

You’re dreading that difficult conversation with your colleague. There’s something you need to say, but there doesn’t seem to be any opening.

Or maybe it’s that request for that one last job. You want to decline without apologising. With this training, you’ll be able to! Sheer relief will be yours. Now you can focus on your own priorities, or have time to spend with your friends.

How to say 'no'

Have colleagues and managers understand and respect your 'no'.

Say what you want to say

How to have coworkers value your opinion.

Enough is enough

Express your boundaries: to colleagues, roommates, and family members.

My method

My trainings are very interactive. I prefer theory to be in the background. I want to see action and have you practice. I love the synergy between participants: learning from each other. During the training, we play out or discuss cases. Dare and do.

I’m a fast thinker and do a lot of sports. Thus, ’think and do’ is a perfect motto for me, that I always try to apply.

The video on the left is an impression of me as a trainer. It’s in Dutch, but English subtitles are available.
